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At this stage of life, your toddlers are absorbing every bit of their environment. Blooming Minds Academy fosters that natural curiosity by helping them expand their developmental milestones and by creating a unique and fun learning experience. 

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At this age, children will be working on our BMA Precise curriculum: Preschool Cognitive Intellectual Social and Emotional Development Program. This program offers weekly themed programs with stories, music, songs, physical activities, art projects, and fun interactive educational games.

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Our PRE-K program is designed to prepare your children for kindergarten. In this class, your kids will be taking meaningful steps on their road to taking learning to the next level. We will focus on each child’s social-emotional development, receptive and expressive language, auditory skills…

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BMA Elite Kindergarden


Children are eager to learn and ready to succeed when they enter our kindergarten enrichment program. This program offers a wide variety of activities and materials that will nourish our kids’ creative and logical thinking, self-confidence, concentration, cooperation, and respect for others.

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After-School Program Enrollment Now Open – Ages: 5 – 12

Now enrolling children ages K-5 into after-school program. Included after-school hot meal, supervised homework completion, rest.

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